A.T Desloratadin 5ml

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A.T Desloratadin 5ml
  • A.T Desloratadin 5ml

A.T Desloratadin 5ml

Code product : HH17

Medicinal substances : Desloratadine

Gift : Free consultation and pediatric consultation package

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Main active ingredient: Desloratadine
The drug: Anti-allergy drug and used in cases of hypersensitivity
Content: Desloratadine 2.5mg, excipients just enough 5ml
- Relieves symptoms in diseases:
Allergic rhinitis: runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, itchy nose and throat, itchy, watery eyes
Allergic skin reactions: urticaria, pruritus, rash
Dosage - usage:

- Adults and children over 2 years old: Take 2 tubes daily
- Children 2-5 years old: Drink 1/2 tube daily
- Children 5-11 years old: Drink 1 tube per day
Drink only 1 time a day
- People with liver failure, severe kidney failure take 2 days 1 tube.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to desloratadin or other ingredients of the drug.
Side effects: The side effects may vary from person to person. Notify doctor undesirable effects encountered when using the drug.
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Ketoconazole (Nizoral, Extina, Xolegel, Kuric), erythromycin, azithromycin (Zithromax), fluoxetine (Prozac) and cimetidine (Tagamet) increase the blood concentration of desloratadine by reducing the excretion of desloratadine by liver enzymes
- Be cautious with patients with liver failure.
- Safety and efficacy when using desloratadine for children under 2 years old has not been determined.
- When using desloratadin, there is a risk of dry mouth, especially in the elderly, and an increased risk of cavities.
- Pregnant women: Desloratadine has not been adequately studied for its potential effects in pregnant women.
NURSING MOTHERS: Desloratadine is excreted into breast milk. Therefore desloratadine only for pregnant and lactating women when necessary, in a low dose and for a short time.
Manufacturer: An Thien Pharma
Packing: Box of 30 tubes x 5ml

Dosage - usage:

- Adults and children over 2 years old: Take 2 tubes daily
- Children 2-5 years old: Drink 1/2 tube daily
- Children 5-11 years old: Drink 1 tube per day
Drink only 1 time a day
- People with liver failure, severe kidney failure take 2 days 1 tube.

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