Gói xét nghiệm tầm soát định kỳ

Field of activity

FICH Healthcare Consulting

FICH Healthcare Consulting

With the mission of improving and improving medical quality, we wish to advise medical units on operational management, setup, legal, construction design and optimizing costs to control risks for medical businesses. Remote consultation and mentoring help medical units reduce the burden of hiring direct personnel, and at the same time get a team of experienced experts from us.



Partner - Customer

 Head Office:  2 Floor, Saigon ParagonTower, 3 Nguyen Luong Bang, Tan Phu, Dis 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


​ www.fichgroup-pharmamed.vn

MST: 0315928916

Working time

 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday


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