Sara Paracetamol with strawberry flavor

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Sara Paracetamol with strawberry flavor
  • Sara Paracetamol with strawberry flavor

Sara Paracetamol with strawberry flavor

Code product : HH03

Medicinal substances : Paracetamol

Gift : Free consultation and pediatric consultation package

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Main active ingredient: Paracetamol
Drugs: Analgesics, antipyretics, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Content: Each 5ml contains: Paracetamol 120mg
Indications: Antipyretic.
Pain relief from: vaccinations, flu, teething, headache, tonsillectomy.
Dosage - usage: Each time used 4-6 hours apart, not consistent 5 times a day.
- Children from 6 months - 1 year: 1/2 full teaspoon (2.5ml)
- Children 1-3 years old: 1 / 2-1 full teaspoon (2.5-5ml)
- Children 3-6 years old: 1-2 full teaspoons (5-10ml)
Contraindications: Contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive (hypersensitive) to Acetaminophen. Patients with anemia, heart, lung, and kidney disease. G6PD deficiency, impaired liver function.
Side effects:
- Using high doses and prolonged may cause hepatocellular failure.
Skin rash and other allergic reactions have been reported rarely.
- In a few individual cases, Acetaminophen has caused a decrease in neutrophils, thrombocytopenia and decreased whole blood cells.
Drug interactions:
- Long-term oral administration of high doses of Acetaminophen slightly increases the anticoagulant effects of Coumarin and its derivative Indandion.
- Concurrent use of Acetaminophen and Phenothiazine is likely to cause severe fever reduction.
- Drinking too much alcohol for a long time increases the risk of Acetaminophen causing liver toxicity.
- Anticonvulsants (including Phenytoin, Barbiturates, Carbamazepin), Isoniazid can increase the toxicity of Acetaminophen on the liver.
Caution: Consult a doctor if symptoms persist or in case of severe liver or kidney failure. Fever lasts more than 3 days. Pain lasts more than 5 days. Persistent or worsening pain or fever. There are some new symptoms. Redness or swelling is present.
Do not use with other products containing Acetaminophen.
Manufacturer: Thai Nakorn Patana Vietnam - VIETNAM CO., LTD
Packaging: Box of 1 60ml bottle

Dosage - usage: Each time used 4-6 hours apart, not consistent 5 times a day.
- Children from 6 months - 1 year: 1/2 full teaspoon (2.5ml)
- Children 1-3 years old: 1 / 2-1 full teaspoon (2.5-5ml)
- Children 3-6 years old: 1-2 full teaspoons (5-10ml)

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