Sorbitol 5g

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Sorbitol 5g
  • Sorbitol 5g

Sorbitol 5g

Code product : TH08

Medicinal substances : Sorbitol

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Main ingredient: Sorbitol
Medicines: Gastrointestinal drugs
Content: Sorbitol 5g
Indication: Symptomatic treatment of constipation, digestive disorders, indigestion.
Dosage - usage: Mix 1 sachet in ½ cup of water.
* Treatment of indigestion symptoms: drink before meals or when symptoms of indigestion.
Adults: 1 - 3 packs / day.
* Treatment of constipation: Adults take 1 pack on an empty stomach in the morning. Children ½ adult dose.
Or as directed by a physician.
Contraindications: Inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative rectal inflammation, Crohn's disease and occlusion syndrome, unexplained abdominal pain syndrome, and hereditary fructose intolerance.
Side effects: Can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, especially in patients with functional colorectal disease.
Notify doctor undesirable effects encountered when using the drug.
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Sorbitol shortens the travel time of concomitant drugs, thereby reducing the absorption of these drugs.
Caution: Long-term use of laxatives is not recommended. Treatment of constipation with medication is only to aid in treatment with diet.
For people with colon disease, avoid fasting and need to reduce the dose.
Manufacturer: DHG Pharma
Packaging: Box of 20 packs x 5 g.

Dosage - usage: Mix 1 sachet in ½ cup of water.
* Treatment of indigestion symptoms: drink before meals or when symptoms of indigestion.
Adults: 1 - 3 packs / day.
* Treatment of constipation: Adults take 1 pack on an empty stomach in the morning. Children ½ adult dose.
Or as directed by a physician.

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