09 Bệnh bé dễ mắc vào mùa đông và phòng tránh

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09 Baby diseases are easy to get in the winter and prevent them

In the winter, the child's resistance is weak, so it is very sensitive to the weather. Therefore, parents are very careful and take measures to prevent the baby's disease.

1. Colds and flu

Flu is a respiratory illness that children often get, especially in the cold season. Children often get flu 6-7 times a year, of which about 10-15% of children get flu more than 12 times / year. In the first year of child care, children have a 50% higher incidence of illness than children cared for at home. This is a respiratory disease caused by bacteria, a virus, it is very contagious. The first symptoms of a cold are usually an itchy throat, runny nose, stuffy nose and sneezing followed by sore throat, cough, headache, low-grade fever, fatigue, muscle aches and loss of appetite. Your baby's runny nose will turn from a liquid to a thick consistency and yellow or green in color.

2. Mumps Sick

The disease usually develops in the winter-spring, when the weather starts to turn cold, especially around the Tet holiday. The disease occurs in crowded places such as kindergartens, schools, dormitories, dormitories ... The disease is spread mainly through the respiratory tract due to infected saliva when sick people talk, cough or sneeze. The disease is common in children aged 5-14. Symptomatically, after an incubation period of 15 - 21 days, the virus develops in the oral mucosa, then enters the bloodstream, causing inflammation of the organs. Inflammation of the parotid gland is the most typical form. The child has a fever of 38 - 39oC, headache, fatigue, poor appetite and sleep; inflammation and swelling of the parotid glands, swelling of the skin, no redness, pain, and dry mouth and difficulty swallowing. Mumps usually develops when the weather starts to turn cold

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is also one of the most common winter illnesses in children. Viral diarrhea is one of the most common childhood diseases in winter. The disease is caused by rotavirus and usually lasts only three to seven days. The disease is common in young children, especially children aged 3-24 months. In winter, babies are very susceptible to diarrhea. Children with diarrhea will usually vomit first, after about 1-2 days, then start passing. The dangerous complication of the disease is dehydration, excessive salt loss, which can easily lead to angioplasty, or even death if not promptly rehydrated.

4. Rhinitis

Rhinitis in a child occurs after a cold infection causes a child's discomfort, stuffy nose and difficulty breathing. The disease is common in children from about 6 months to 7-8 years. This is inflammation of the lining of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, because the child's immunity is still poor, so it is easy to get sick. When the child breathes in air from the outside to the lungs, providing oxygen to the body and pathogens also enter. If not treated completely, the disease recurs many times will lead to complications such as pneumonia, ear infections, acute otitis media, acute sinusitis.

5. Bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis is an acute respiratory disease, very common in young children due to inflammation of the small airways (also known as bronchiolitis). The disease occurs in the first 2 years, with the highest frequency at 6 months of age and in many places it is one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization. The disease occurs year round, highest in winter and early spring. If the disease is detected and treated early, it will give good results, severe cases causing respiratory failure can be fatal. Bronchiolitis appears highest in winter and early spring.

The most common initial symptoms are coughing, clear runny nose, moderate or high fever. Children may experience coughing spells that last longer, especially at midnight or near morning. At that time, children often wheeze or have difficulty breathing, even stop breathing, suckle poorly, or vomit. Usually, children will wheeze for about 7 days, then gradually decrease and then go away.

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6. Conjunctivitis

Also known as red-eye disease, when sick, children often have red eyes, red eyes, yellow tears, oozing eyes. The disease spreads quickly when children come into contact with dirt on their hands, clothes, and towels. Conjunctivitis, also known as red eye pain. For this disease, mothers should pay attention to wash their eyes and hygiene properly, should wash them with antibacterial drugs, clean personal hygiene, if the disease progresses seriously, they should take their children to health facilities to advice.

7. Foot, hand, mouth disease

It is caused by a virus that causes itching; Blisters in the palms of the hands, feet, and in the mouth turn into a high fever, runny nose, and sore throat. Babies are also susceptible to hand, foot and mouth disease. When your child has an illness, you should limit your impact on the blisters until they are completely dry. The teething gel will also soothe the sores in the mouth. Wash your hands well after coming into contact with the blisters.

8. Ear infections

Children with ear infections show very angry, fussy, high temperature, fluid in the ears. Repeated ear infections can lead to sticky ears and temporarily deafness. So you must pay attention to dry baby's ears. For children over 3 months old, if fever, give paracetamol.

9. Meningitis

It is caused by a virus, a bacteria or a virus. Infected children often: high body temperature, drowsiness, vomiting, photosensitivity, purple or red rash on the skin, neck pain or stiffness, persistent crying. The disease often has dangerous complications, so when detected, the child should be taken to medical centers for treatment.

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