Tư vấn và khám tăng động, tự kỷ

Pediatric clinic

Counseling and autism, hyperactivity examination

Getting rid of autism is a long journey, it is not effective in a day or two, so parents need to be a strong motivation and support for their children during this time. Parents can contact FICH SYSTEM for advice, examination and treatment of hyperactivity and autism for their children.

FICH SYSTEM Built and developed according to international standards with a team of experienced experts in the field of intervention and treatment of children with psychological, mental and developmental problems, parents can rest assured. when taking your child to the doctor for examination and treatment.

FICH SYSTEM receiving treatment for children with disorders (autism, hyperactivity, speech delay…) and psychological crisis. When parents bring children to the department for medical examination, doctors will observe and listen to the manifestations in the child's life, from birth to the time of examination. For children who cannot speak, the doctor will use drawings or games to determine the child's level of development. In addition, doctors can use additional test tools to support the diagnosis of problems more comprehensively. Once the child's disorder is concluded, the doctor will advise the parents on how to improve the behavioral and emotional disorders in the child.

Contact hotline: 0901 108 068 for more detailed information and to make an appointment with a doctor today!

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 Head Office:  2 Floor, Saigon ParagonTower, 3 Nguyen Luong Bang, Tan Phu, Dis 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Saturday


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