Tư vấn và khám dinh dưỡng nhi

Pediatric clinic

Pediatric general health examination

Parents are really wondering looking for solutions to their children's nutritional problems?

  • How to ensure that children are provided with adequate nutrients in their daily meals to have enough resistance to minimize the invasion of the virus, especially during the sensitive period of the COVID-19 epidemic?
  • How to help your child overcome current health problems: overweight, obesity or malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies to avoid heart-related diseases, diabetes, digestive, respiratory and other diseases Other dangerous reasons?

Addressing the concerns of families with children's nutrition problems, FICH SYSTEM deploys pediatric nutrition counseling and examination services.

Through the nutritional examination, parents will know what nutrients their child is currently in excess or deficiency, thereby making appropriate adjustments according to each stage of the child's development. Depending on the results of assessing the nutritional status of each child and exploiting the pathology through examination, the nutritionist will have appropriate indications. At FICH SYSTEM, the nutritional examination process for children is scientifically built from examination, diagnostic tests, building rations to personalized menus, instructions on how to properly prepare dishes, and instructions for handling. appropriate action to support effective treatment.

The package of nutritional examination, counseling and treatment for children at FICH SYSTEM includes the following items:

1. Assessment of nutritional status

  • Collect height and weight index;
  • Analyze body composition with Inbody machine (for children 7 years and older or as indicated).

2. Examination and consultation with a nutritionist

  • General examination of the whole body;
  • Approach to exploiting pathology to assess nutritional status in children;
  • Issuing treatment prescriptions and providing care advice and monitoring during treatment.

3. Tests/Diagnostics

In order to strengthen the scientific basis in diagnosis and prescribe an accurate and highly effective treatment regimen, nutritionists can specify tests, ultrasound, X-ray, etc., which are suitable for the condition. disease and age.

4. Moderation – Build a menu

  • 24h rations (mandatory or depending on medical condition/target need);
  • Learn about children's eating habits and preferences;
  • Develop a menu according to the doctor's prescription, the child's preferences and eating habits.

5. Examination and consultation with a doctor of Sports Medicine - Movement

  • Examining, screening and assessing the state of musculoskeletal health, mobility and exercise capacity, thereby giving the most appropriate movement indication;
  • Design appropriate exercise exercises;
  • Exercise counseling/instruction on sports training in accordance with the regimen of nutritional pathology.

6. Instructions for movement and exercise

  • Instructions for performing the exercises prescribed by the Doctor of Sports Medicine - Movement
  • Provide materials, instructions to practice at home.

Now, parents can completely feel secure to check their baby's nutrition at FICH SYSTEM with a team of leading nutrition experts from the National Institute of Nutrition, the Nutrition Center of Ho Chi Minh City, the University of Medical Pham Ngoc Thach, Children's Hospital, Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, Hospital 115 ... with a team of highly specialized, experienced doctors who are professionally trained, constantly update methods, intensive nutrition regimen.

FICH SYSTEM provides a variety of consulting services, testing, treatment of nutritional diseases, nutritional health care for all children: infants, young children, school-age children, children who are at school. experiencing nutritional diseases such as overweight, obesity, malnutrition, anorexia, etc.

Children will have the Nutritional Control engineers at FICH SYSTEM build a personalized menu by day, week, month based on medical condition, doctor's prescription, preferences and eating habits, making it easy to follow. treatment protocol.

Culinary - Nutrition experts at FICH SYSTEM directly guide parents through the steps of choosing food, preparing food properly, simply and easily at home to help children eat more deliciously and absorb nutrition. better, contributing to improve treatment efficiency.

The team of sports medicine doctors - athletes and professional sports coaches at FICH SYSTEM apply scientific methods to help examine, screen and assess musculoskeletal health, mobility, practice, from which there are indications and instructions for movement that are most suitable for each child to help improve treatment effectiveness and quickly achieve goals.

FICH SYSTEM brings professional and dedicated customer care services; At the same time, free consultation and support through the call center, website and fanpage to answer all questions of parents during and after the process of nutritional examination and treatment for children here.

Contact hotline: 0901 108 068 for more detailed information and to make an appointment with a doctor today!

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