Dịch Vụ Khám Bệnh Qua Video Call

Pediatric clinic

Video Call Medical Examination Service

To meet the needs of parents, FICH deploys more medical examination services via Video call and online medical consultation to prescribe if necessary, to limit hospital visits, avoid large gatherings, and at the same time help mothers don't have to travel far.

  • In cases where the doctor advises to be hospitalized, please follow the instructions.
  • Direct examination is the best way to diagnose and prescribe.
  • Online consultation and medical examination via Video call can support many diseases today, and help screen hospital admission or non-hospitalization.
  • The examination fee is fully converted into the clinic fee if the child has to go to the clinic for an additional examination


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Partner - Customer

 Head Office:  2 Floor, Saigon ParagonTower, 3 Nguyen Luong Bang, Tan Phu, Dis 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


​ www.fichgroup-pharmamed.vn

MST: 0315928916

Working time

 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Saturday


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