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  • Duphalac


Code product : TH07

Medicinal substances : Lactulose

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Main active ingredient: Lactulose
Medicines: Gastrointestinal drugs
Content: Lactulose 10g / 15ml
- Treatment of constipation, regulating physiological motility of the colon
- Liver encephalopathy.
Dosage - Usage: Duphalac can be used diluted or undiluted,
- Adults: Daily dose: 1-3 packs / day. Maintenance dose: 1-2 packs / day
- Children 7- 14 years old: Daily dose: 1 / day. Maintenance dose: 1 / day
- Children from 1-6 years: Daily dose: 5 - 10 ml / day. Maintenance dose: 15-10 ml / day
- Children under 1 year old: Daily dose: Less than 5 ml / day. Maintenance dose: Less than 5 ml / day
Swallow lactulose immediately when drinking, do not keep the drug in the mouth. Your doctor will adjust your response to the drug.
Contraindications: Patients who are hypersensitive to any ingredients, patients with gastrointestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal perforation or risk of gastrointestinal perforation. If you have galactose.
SIDE EFFECTS: Bloating and loose stools: These disturbances may occur at the beginning of treatment, these phenomena will be discontinued with appropriate dose adjustment.
Rarely itching, anal pain, moderate weight loss.
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Due to lactulose's lowering of pH in the colon, medications that depend on the pH of the colon to be released (such as 5-ASA) may become inactive.
Caution: Patients with lactose intolerance.
Long-term use of Duphalac without dose adjustment.
Use for children when absolutely necessary.
Manufacturer: Abbott
Packaging: Box of 20 x 15ml packs.

Dosage - Usage: Duphalac can be used diluted or undiluted,
- Adults: Daily dose: 1-3 packs / day. Maintenance dose: 1-2 packs / day
- Children 7- 14 years old: Daily dose: 1 / day. Maintenance dose: 1 / day
- Children from 1-6 years: Daily dose: 5 - 10 ml / day. Maintenance dose: 15-10 ml / day
- Children under 1 year old: Daily dose: Less than 5 ml / day. Maintenance dose: Less than 5 ml / day
Swallow lactulose immediately when drinking, do not keep the drug in the mouth. Your doctor will adjust your response to the drug.

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